Welcome to DESI

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Digital Environmental Systems, Inc., or DESI, is the leading specialty equipment provider in Albuquerque, NM. We provide a variety of solutions for your business.

Electricity icon

We provide equipment used to
enhance the proper function of any
type of sensitive electronic equipment
within your facility.

Power icon

Power quality and backup, various
cooling methodologies and site
monitoring on various levels represent most, but not all, of the types of
equipment we provide.

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We welcome the opportunity to bring
the thorough and cost-effective
solutions to your existing or potential
problems within your facilities
environmental infrastructure.

Leaf icon

All DESI products are new, reconditioned, remanufacturered, new surplus, surplus, and rentals.



Product Name Here

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UPS Systems

UPS Systems

UPS Systems background


UPS Systems background

Cooling Systems

