About DESI

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Stuart Daigneau

Digital Environmental Systems, Inc (DESI) is a New Mexico corporation founded in 1980 by Stuart K. Daigneau, owner and current president.

We sell most of our products nationally and internationally. In some cases we are limited by assigned territories when acting as a manufacturers’ rep. However, since we buy/resell most of the equipment we provide, we are not often restricted by geographical limitations.

We provide a wide range of cooling, power and monitoring capabilities as well as other products – most of which are oriented toward data center/computer room environmental best practices.

Our potential markets are everyone using any type of computer system or any electronic device designed for any purpose. This includes such vertical markets as: Medical, Manufacturing, Communications, Financial, Military, Gaming, Education, All levels of Government and more.

Our customer base includes Los Alamos National Labs, Sandia National Labs, NASA, VA Medical Center, Johnson Controls, Lee Ranch Coal Company, Presbyterian Hospital, University of New Mexico, Boeing Corporation, Metropolitan Court in Albuquerque and others.